WOWZA!! It's been a LONG time since I was able to post on here!!! Shortly after my last post(back in July) we had a horrific thunderstorm and lightning hit our house, frying my computer completely and it also knocked out our a/c compressor and our doorbell of all things! LOL So that's why I've been missing~ it just wasn't in the budget to buy a new one until TODAY!!!! I've been working some temp jobs and saving my pennies/rebates, etc. and finally found one we could afford. :))
I'm so excited to be back to blogging again! It was certainly NOT my intentions to be gone from here so long! I still hope there's some out there who remember me! LOL I have certainly MISSED all of you and I tried to still comment on some of your blogs when I could, using my son's computer, but it wouldn't allow me to post anything. wahhhhhhhhh!!!
I promise to be back real soon w/some pics, if only I could remember where my camera is!!!
Blogger certainly looks and feels a bit different to me, so I hope I can still find my way around!
2-Ingredient Apple Cake – Weekend Potluck #670
3 hours ago